Looking to sell your wrecked car for cash? We can help! We buy all types of wrecked cars, pickups, trucks, SUVs, etc. Up to 100 miles from Tulsa OK!
We Buy Junk Cars in Tulsa OK
Our business is providing our customers with the best used car parts that we can. That’s how we’ve become one of best salvage yards in Tulsa!
If you are looking for a salvage yard that will crush your car for cash, give us a call. Tell us what you have. Year, make, model and condition. Typically we can give you a quote right over the phone and tell you what we’ll pay for your scrap car.
Junk Car Removal Tulsa
We provide junk car removal services in Tulsa as well. Tired of that old rust bucket sitting in your yard? Give us a call, we can come and take that worry away!
Have you Seen Our ‘We Buy Junk Cars’ Craigslist Ad?
Not only do we provide a junk car removal service for Tulsa, and provide excellent auto salvage services, but we’ll even buy your used car from you! We’ve been buying junk cars for many years, helping Tulsans get paid cash for unwanted cars and other vehicles.
We have many 500 dollar cars in Tulsa. Check out our current listing here –> Cheap Used Cars in Tulsa OK
Since we’re a salvage yard in Tulsa, we have many new and used auto parts. We even have a huge selection of used car batteries for sale in Tulsa!